4 Foods Americans Will Not Accept Any Amount of Money to Eat

When it comes to food, there are some items that many Americans simply cannot stomach—no matter how much money is on the table. Whether it’s due to taste, texture, or an unpleasant memory, these foods have earned their place on the “won’t eat” list. Here are four foods that Americans refuse to eat, regardless of the price.

1. Liver

Liver is packed with nutrients, but that doesn’t stop it from being one of the most avoided foods in America. Its strong, metallic taste and soft texture make it a tough sell for many. Despite being considered a health food in some circles, there’s no amount of money that could convince certain people to take even one bite of this organ meat.

2. Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts have a bad reputation for their bitter taste, especially when overcooked. While they may be prepared in fancy dishes at upscale restaurants, for many Americans, the thought of eating these tiny cabbages is enough to turn their stomachs. Even with cash on the table, some would rather starve than eat Brussels sprouts.

3. Anchovies

Tiny and packed with flavor, anchovies are a controversial food item. Their salty, fishy taste and oily texture are too much for many Americans to handle. Whether hidden in Caesar salads or perched on top of pizzas, anchovies are an absolute dealbreaker for some—no amount of cash could change their minds.

4. Oysters

Oysters may be seen as a delicacy, but not everyone is on board. The slimy, slippery texture is a major turnoff, and no financial incentive is enough to persuade some people to slurp down these shellfish. For oyster haters, they’re firmly in the “no way” category.


For some, the idea of eating liver, Brussels sprouts, anchovies, or oysters is out of the question, no matter how much money is offered. It’s clear that taste, texture, and personal experiences all play a role in these strong food aversions. What’s on your “will not eat” list?

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